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TPChange TRR 301 - The Tropopause Region in a Changing Atmosphere
TPChange 5 Meetings 5 MOW24 5 MOW 24- Hotels

MOW 2024- Hotels

You can book a room from our contingent at the following hotels:

Hotel Belvedere: Single room 60-65 EUR: Free cancellation by 2024/08/01, afterwards 80% cancellation fee.

Hotel Rheinland: Single Room 65-75 EUR: Free cancellation by 14:00 on day of arrival.

Hotel an der Therme: Single Room 120-130 EUR: Free cancellation by 18:00 on day of arrival

The rooms are reserved until 30 June 2024.

To book a room at one of these hotels: Please contact with the codeword WORKSHOP2024.