11 October 2024: Project Leader meeting
Location: JGU Mainz
7-9 October 2024: Mathematics Of the Weather
Location: Bad Orb, Germany
Please visit MOW24
7 October 2024: Research Area A meeting
Location: GU Frankfurt
1-2 October 2024: Research Area B and Z03 theory and modeling meeting
1 Oct: Research Area B meeting, 2 Oct: Z03 theory and modeling meering
Location: JGU Mainz
26 September 2024: Research Area C meeting
11-14 March 2024: TPChallenges International Conference
Location: JGU Mainz
Meeting material can be found on the conference website tp-challenges2024.uni-mainz.de

31 January – 2 February 2024: Winter School
Location: Bad Homburg
Course on Advanced Scientific Writing for Early Career Researchers and workshops on LaTeX/Overleaf and git.
5 December 2023: Project meeting Z03
Location: GU Frankfurt
23/24 November 2023: Research Area A meeting
Location: GU Frankfurt
12 October 2023: Research Area B meeting
Location: JGU Mainz
5 October 2023: Research Area C meeting
Location: JGU Mainz
23-25 May 2023: ECR meeting
Location: Würzburg
(Meeting material)
Workshop on Scientific Writing and Group Discussions on Current Paper Projects and Science Communication / Outreach.

14-16 March 2023: Annual Meeting
Location: Bad Kreuznach
(Meeting material)

13/14 March 2023: ECR meeting
Workshop on poster presentations for Early Career Researchers
Location: Bad Kreuznach
20/21 October 2022: Research Area A meeting
Location: GUF Frankfurt
(Meeting material)
13 October 2022: Research Area B meeting
Location: GUF Frankfurt
5 October 2022: Research Area C meeting
Location: GUF Frankfurt
26/27 September 2022: Presentation Workshop for Early Career Researchers
Location: Frankfurt and online
11-16 September 2022: Summer School
(Meeting material)
The TPChange Summer School for Early Career Researchers within the research center will take place in Neustadt an der Weinstraße.
24 June 2022: TPChange Campaign Meeting
In late summer 2023, the TPChange Campaign will take place in Northern Germany.
On 24 June 2022, scientific tasks rather than technical aspects will be the main purpose to meet. We plan for short talks by the individual groups focusing on the individual scientific goals. This will also include the forecasting groups or modelling activities to best combine the different approaches. The meeting will take place in Mainz.
The topic of this workshop was archiving data, in particular using iRODS. iRODS stands for „Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System“ and is the data archive at JGU which is used in TPChange. The workshop was held by Jörg Steinkamp from the data center at JGU.
Within TPChange we offer the possibility to use a source code management with the open source version control system Git (https://git-scm.com/) and the software package Gitlab which comes as a web application (gitlab.rlp.net).
An introduction course to Git was given online by Dr. Jörg Steinkamp from the JGU Data Center.
14-16 March 2022: Annual Meeting
(Meeting material)
All TPChange members met for the first scientific conference in Bad Kreuznach. Poster sessions, invited talks by Prof. Ottmar Möhler, Prof. Heini Wernli and Prof. Michaela Hegglin and discussions about cooperations within the research areas were part of the agenda.
07 December 2021: C07 project meeting
(Meeting material)
Workshop on model diagnostics
6 October 2021: Kick-Off Meeting PhD and Postdocs
(Meeting material)
Speaker Prof. Peter Hoor welcomed the new PhD students and Postdocs to TPChange. After an introduction to the scientific goals of the research center, everybody introduced themselves. In the end, the group was divided into smaller groups where they discussed expectations and wishes for TPChange activities for Early Career Researchers.
(Meeting material)
On 27 September 2021 we met for our official Kick-Off meeting. Not in person, unfortunately, but with subgroup discussions and an interactive poster session we were still able to get in contact with each other.
After a short introduction and the approval of formals, we talked about a common data management ground. Each project presented a poster in the following session and in the late afternoon the three Research Areas A/B/C met in order to plan collaborations within the first year. After that we talked about how the individual projects come together in the central activities: synthesis of observational data and synthesis of modelling.
A total of about sixty people joined the meeting, among them about twenty new PhD students and Postdocs.