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TPChange TRR 301 - The Tropopause Region in a Changing Atmosphere


⇒ Visit the TPEx Blog for News about the measurement campaign

TPEx (TropoPause compositon gradients and mixing Experiment) is the central field campaign of the TPChange research center. It will take place in early summer 2024 with measurement flights in the time window from 10 to 21 June 2024.

The scientific questions are

  • Water vapor distribution in the UTLS region across central Europe
  • Identification of mixing at and across the tropopause induced by diabatic processes
  • Vertical transport of arosols and trace species from the boundary layer to the UTLS (e.g. by convection or frontal uplift) and effect of UTLS composition and new particle formation events
  • Source apportionment of aerosols and ice-nucleating particles (INPs) for understanding the main pathways of transport towards UTLS

We use in-situ aerosol and trace gas measurements in a novel experimental approach: a towed sensor shuttle (TOSS) is attached to an aircraft (type Learjet 35A) in order to simultaneously resolve highly transient tracer and temperature fluctuations at the tropopause, which are induced by e.g. rapid updrafts, strong shear or extended cirrus decks (B01, C01). This will be combined with measurements focusing on aerosol processing during upward transport to the UTLS and the impact on aerosol composition in the UTLS (B02, A04, A03). It also includes sampling of aerosols providing material for laboratory analysis (A05, A06).

The Learjet aircraft with the towed sensor shuttle (TOSS) during a mission 2013 (photo: M. Klingebiel)

Flights with the TOSS are limited to the restricted air space at the North Sea (white), while flights without the TOSS range over central Europe (red/green circle).

The following instruments are deployed on the Learjet aircraft, on the towed sensor shuttle (TOSS) and in the wingpod of the aircraft (Knuffi):

Trace gas species

Project Instrument Species Learjet TOSS Knuffi
C01 FISH H2O (water vapor) x
C01 WASUL Total water, water vapor x
B01 2BTech ozone monitor O3 x x
C01 IAGOS humidity sensor RH, T x x
B01 Acceleration, pressure, position Exact determination of coordinates for Learjet and TOSS x x

Trace gas species

Project Instrument Species Learjet TOSS Knuffi
C01 FISH H2O (water vapor) x
C01 WASUL Total water, water vapor x
B01 2BTech ozone monitor O3 x x
C01 IAGOS humidity sensor RH, T x x
B01 Acceleration, pressure, position Exact determination of coordinates for Learjet and TOSS x x

Aerosol and cloud particles

Project Instrument Species Learjet TOSS Knuffi
A04 UHSAS Aerosol size distribution (60 nm – 2 μm) x x
A03 CPC Aerosol number concentration (2 nm and 10 nm – 3 μm) x
A06 FRIDGE Ice nucleating particles x
A04 CARIBIC AMS with Sky OPC Mass concentrations of aerosol components sulfate, nitrate,
ammonium and organics, aerosol size distribution in 31
channels from 250nm to 32 μm
C01 Backscatter cloud probe Particle diameter and number concentration, LWC x x
C01 NIXE-CAPS size and number density of cloud particles (0.6 – 900 μm) x
Aerosol filter samples (impactor,thermoporetic) Offline single particle analysis x
A05 SOAP organic aerosol sampling for offline chemical analysis x


Other projects involved in TPEx campaign

Project Involvement
A02 Provision of satellite data for flight planning and data interpretation
B02 BISTUM: Vertical transport and processing of aerosols, trace gases (measured on MoLa, drone, balloon out of Spielberg/Vogelsberg, 50 km north-west of Frankfurt/Main)
B04 Analysis of structure formation and stratosphere-troposphere-exchange, case study of tracer distribution from campaign
B07 Small scale distribution of ice clouds in tropopause for theory of nucleation processes
B08 Flight planning, provide tool to identify target regions
C01 Provide CLaMS ice forecast, include campaign data in JULIA database
C07 Effects of parameterised versus resolved convective transport and associated scavenging of UTLS relevant tracers